
Welcome to 'About God and gods'.
The subtitle immediately indicates the main themes at issue. The first is "serving God" and the second is about "serving gods." On both subjects there is much misunderstanding but also much ignorance in the Christian heritage.

Serving God: What Is It?

As a Christian, how should you serve God in a world divided into so many denominations? Who tells you what is true and what is not? And perhaps more importantly: what does “serving God” actually mean and how concrete can you make it? Does it have to do with following certain moral values ​​and living up to Christian standards? Or does it have to do with how you give meaning to your Christian life by working for your fellow human beings? What is the essence of the Christian faith? What is it and where can you find it?

We look in the Bible for the answer to the question what God desires most. Because only that starting point brings us to The Answer; to Him who said"I am the Way, the Truth and the Life” (John 14:6). 

Serving idols: that's not of our time, is it?

In their search for God, many people, including Christians, come out wrong. They are unaware that Satan, God's adversary, has seekers in mind especially as well. Above all, seekers of God experiences are also in great danger. Without realizing it, they are deceived by Satan and end up in 'service to the gods'. That is what the Bible calls idolatry or idol worship. That was a big problem from the beginning of human history and equally it was with the people of Israel. Nowadays we think it doesn't occur in Christendom, because we think, it hardly occurs in the New Testament, does it?' But that is fatal ignorance.

For the Bible is not unclear about what it means to 'serve idols'. Rather, the Word of God makes it clear to us that idolatry is the mixing of the service of the true God with pagan rituals. Or even more concretely when people approach God in the way that 'the heathen draw near to their gods' (e.g. Deuteronomy 12:30-31). Such mixing with pagan religions is of all times. It is THE trick of Satan to deceive the people of God unseen and unnoticed, both in the time of the people of Israel, and from the beginning in Christendom.

You must know today as a Christian what it is to "serve God" and what "idolatry" is, so that you can make the only right choice regarding these things and live your Christian life as God intended.

No man escapes the question of whom you will serve:
Choose…today whom you will serve(Joshua 24:15).

Not a Christian yet?
If you do not know Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour, read: The Gospel and The Bible in a nutshell.