Expecting Jesus!

The starting point for our site is the Bible text that says that we

(…) turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God, and to wait for His Son from heaven, whom He raised from the dead, Jesus, who saves us from the wrath to come.” (1 Thessalonicenzen 1:9-10)

Initially, the site was intended for the two themes of 'idolatry' and 'serving the true God'. On these fronts, there appears to be a lot of ignorance and deception in Christian heritage.

There is a third theme in this text: the future of the Lord Jesus Christ. Contacts show that there is also a lot of deception going on in our time that relates to this. That's why we're adding this as a new theme to the site: Expecting Jesus!

Paul calls the believers to wait for the Son of God, Jesus, from heaven. That coming wrath is God's judgment on those who have turned away from Him. Just read in the book of Revelation what a terrible time that will be. But those who have been saved through the work of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary and have become children of God are spared. The Lord Jesus is coming to get us! That is a wonderful prospect: we shall see Him who gave Himself up for us!

We do not cover the entire biblical prophecy here, for that we refer to other sites, such as here. We do, however, occasionally want to highlight topics from the Bible where we can see that we are really living in the last days and the Lord Jesus will come soon. 

Scheme: the starting point

Important: This page is from late 2016 and is based on the view that the rapture of the church of the Lord Jesus Christ will take place before the last week of the year (Daniel 9:27) begins. What happens then we can read about in Revelation 4 and beyond. I have long found the reasoning for this unconvincing, so I looked further into the Bible.
As of mid-2023, some things are starting to become so clear to me that I can start sharing them. For now, it involves the following articles:
- first "Wrestling with Revelation" from October 2023;
- then second "Symbolism in Revelation 6" from November 2023;
- then the article "Looking back to be able to see forward" of Nov. 21, 2023.

Note: for the believer expecting the rapture of the Church, it makes no difference whether you have one view or the other. So it should never be a point of separation between believers.

That the church of Jesus Christ will be raptured before Revelation 6 (or even before Revelation 4 and 5) is what many Christians believe; that is how I thought about it. But as far as I am concerned, that view is no longer valid. For that, see the blogs mentioned above.
Now - anno 2023 - I think we are much further on and living in the time of the fourth horseman. My intention is to keep busy with the book of Revelation and therefore regularly put something of it on the site (tag Revelation).

According to the Bible, there are no things that must necessarily happen before the church can be included. But we can see developments in the world around us that belong to the fourth horseman.

What comes after the corona crisis?

What can we expect after Covid-19? If it is up to the most important people of this world, we must change everything now. Economic, ecological, financial, social; name it. This is the moment we should use to get everything up and running. Because the way it is in the world now is really not possible; it's a dead end. 'Just' press the reset button and start over.

A 'promotional' video of the WEF

"It World Economic Forum (WEF) is an international organization for public-private partnerships. The Forum engages society's key political, business, cultural and other leaders in shaping global, regional and industrial agendas. We believe progress happens by bringing together people from all walks of life who have the drive and influence to make positive change. Global stakeholders urgently need to work together to simultaneously manage the direct impacts of the COVID-19 crisis. To improve the state of the world, the World Economic Forum is launching The Great Reset”.

We will pay some attention to this in due course and DV because these things as far as I can see have everything to do with the coming world government of the antichrist.

Just a quick look at what WEF calls the key points.

Interesting to see what are called the four main themes.
Citizen participation; how do we get as many noses as possible in the same direction. Revelation 13:16 says "all".
COVID-19: the trigger for global change. Infectious diseases are part of the labor pains that precede the coming of the Lord (Matthew 24:7)
Systemic racism'. I recently heard MP Rutte say that. That was probably not 'just' or by accident. Race riots are also part of those woes (Matthew 24:7; people=ethnos (G)=race)
– ‘The Great Reset' – what the generations before us have built seems to have stalled and we have to start over and do everything differently (and therefore 'better').

The world is indeed facing an emergency, but it is not climate change.
It is the coming wrath of God's judgment,
which you can escape only by repenting (turning away) from your sins and believing in the Lord Jesus Christ.

What we expect on these pages under “Jesus!” writing about the future and the dark times the world will experience before Christ will be visible to all is only written to show how close we are to His coming!

When we get time and opportunity we will flesh this out further.