The Antichrist and His Empire

Below, for now, some loose articles about the antichrist and his kingdom. Important features of it are already visible today. As we get time and opportunity we will flesh this out further.

The Empire of the Antichrist

  • The consequence of abandoning biblical ground truths is that people's freedom disappears. The "Christian culture" disappears and an anti-Christian culture takes its place. Francis Schaeffer analyzed and described it 50 years ago. See this blog "How next?"
  • The empire has certain characteristics of the earlier Roman empire as it was at the beginning of our era. Here is an article about the empire being established: The final plot.

About the antichrist

There is much speculation about the antichrist, especially as to who it will be. Then names are mentioned and a few reasons given as to why it is that person. Not only that, but there are different views on whether the antichrist will be het beest uit de zee, the beast from the earth is (Revelations 13) or perhaps anyone else is.
Below we give some reflections, which we want to base as much as possible on the Word of God and which may well be different from what you read or hear elsewhere.