A congregation is what it sings

The title above this page is a statement I once read; I don't know whose. By this the speaker meant that in a Christian community most people hardly read the Bible, if at all. So what they know about the Christian faith is largely based on the things expressed in the songs they sing.

We elaborate on this topic here, dividing it into two topics, namely 'the Christian song' and 'the role of music'.

The Christian Song

A telling quote from Prof. Dr. Henk van den Belt on CIP,nl:

“In preparing a sermon on psalms, hymns and spiritual songs recently, Van den Belt looked at the ‘Top 1008', a music list of Groot Nieuws Radio for which people can submit their own songs. “They are all beautiful and Biblical songs, but it struck me that the top 3 consists of songs of comfort and closeness and of encouragement.” The songs 'You Say' by Lauren Daigle, Jesus Conqueror' by Mosaic Worship and 'I'll Be There' by Sela top the list. I then wonder why many evangelical and reformed Christians find such 'pep talk-like' songs so beautiful.”

“When I checked the list, I thought: when will mercy, forgiveness and reconciliation come?”, the professor continues. “Or the cross of Christ? I haven't studied them all in detail, but it's only at number 21 that the first song is about the classic notion of grace and reconciliation. That's also a rhymed psalm: 'Whiter than snow' from the Psalm Project. This choice of song says a lot about faith experience and spirituality. Tell me which songs you like and I will tell you what kind of Christian you are. That is perhaps even more discovering than what grade you give to your life of faith.”

The role of music

Here comes more….

Play list Spiritual Songs YouTube

Above we have to explain again what the bible says about the spiritual song, but in the meantime we will already place a playlist of songs (with text) from the bundle Spiritual Songs below. Thanks to André Buijs. A treasure trove of songs that will pull your heart up.
It is still being replenished.

You can order the GL bundle at Publisher Daniel or through your own bookstore.