A dying culture

This blog was created in response to a discussion by John Barnett about the characteristics of what he called 'a dying culture' (see here). What God said in Isaiah 5 about Israel (from verse 8) he also applies to America.
I myself want to apply it to the culture of the entire western world, the world in which we live. We also include the things we've seen before about 'idolatry', the intercourse that people have with demons. Because Isaiah 5 speaks about that too. Take this chapter in your Bible for yourself to read exactly what it says.

Absurd wealth (5:8)

The people of God are His vineyard (see Isaiah 5:1-7) and should bear fruit for Him. But instead everything is built up. House to house and field to field. People do not have enough and pile possession upon possession. Everything for itself. This absurd materialism is a first feature of a dying culture (see here).
How do you not see this in our world? Rich people getting more and more enriching. You probably also got the messages of the super rich of this world who saw their wealth increase enormously in 2020 during the corona crisis.

Addicted and not sober (5:11)

Going after the liquor all day long. Not being sober is the condition one longs for. Not sober, because life is unbearable and it is apparently still a bit 'fun' that way. Not only spirits provide this 'pleasure', also drugs, just to mention a not insignificant means.
'Non-essential' shops will close during the lockdown, but coffee shops are apparently seen as essential shops. Drugs among the first necessities of life.

Amusement (5:12)

Celebrations and parties are a characteristic phenomenon. What about the parties – house parties – with music in combination with 'mind-expanding substances' such as alcohol and drugs. A large part of the population lives on it – from weekend to weekend. But not during the lockdown for a while and it brings the young people into great misery. People are looking forward to the 'events' starting again.

Increasing sin through idolatry (5:18)

The word 'falsehood', according to the English Strong, also indicates idolatry. The word is also often translated 'vanity’ of ‘emptiness' and the first occurrence in the OT is Exodus 20:7 – 'taking God's name in vain'. The text at Isaiah 5:18 then means that those who commit idolatry inevitably draw upon them and fall into them. One of the consequences of idolatry is that the distinction between good and evil becomes blurred or even disappears, and then it is no wonder it goes in the wrong direction.
Humans are searching in many ways in the invisible world for 'meaningfulness', 'fulfillment', 'enlightenment' or whatever they can call it. But because of this, they become more and more entangled in sin and the idea of ​​good according to God's standards disappears. In fact, it leads to the denial of God's standards, but also of His judgment. The Lord God is slanderously mocked (see Isaiah 5:19).

Reversing all norms (5:20)

The previous point goes even further and leads to what is good being called evil and what is evil is called good. Light is called darkness and darkness is called light. After 'postmodern thinking' in which the absolute was released and everything became relative, we are now in the 'pagan thinking' ended up. All God's standards are reversed. That is the world of today, in which, for example, homosexuality is judged as good, and if you say something about it, it is wrong. The God-given distinction between male and female is also disappearing and soon you will not even be allowed to use those words. Such a reversal – an 'Umwertung aller Werte' as our eastern neighbors call it – a person can only make when he is open to the demons and takes these teachings from them. It is the work of Lucifer (Isaiah 14:12), the prince of darkness, who is seen as the light.

We're right! (5:21)

People have a high opinion of themselves; they think they are wise and sensible. In practice it means that they do not want to let go of their views. They are not open to reason and arguments and their opinion is the only correct one. It is striking that this is typically a phenomenon as a result of 'communion with demons'. They have got the ideas burned so deeply into their inner life that this is the only reality for them in which they firmly believe. (Also see here what drugs do to you following Deuteronomy 29:18 and 19).
It strikes me that more and more people – also in the public domain – are saying things that rationally simply cannot be true. They apparently believe their own lie. In addition, holding on to points of view in society means that normal conversation is no longer possible, resulting in hardening and chaos.

Bad heroes (5:22)

The great men, 'the heroes' of this world are also extremely good at the occult. In that sense they are 'bad heroes'. The Beatles are an example of artists who, through their occult practices, found great influence and imitation in the world (see here). Or take Apple's Steve Jobs who at some point became a Buddhist (see for example here and here). Also, for example, an Elon Musk – the man from Tesla – and many other 'heroes' have access to the invisible world and they do not hide that they use psychedelics or do yoga or meditation. It seems to be the only way you can survive in this crazy world.

Unprecedented injustice (5:23)

Where our God reigns law and justice reign (5:7b), but in a dying culture this has disappeared. For a gift, any wicked man may have 'his due'; bribery and favors are common. In addition, ordinary people are being deprived of their rights. We recently did 'the allowance affair', which revealed how the government has collectively violated the rights of citizens so seriously that many have ended up in terrible circumstances. Injustice is rampant everywhere. 

The elite and the common man

What is also striking in this part of Isaiah 5 is that two groups of people are spoken of. On the one hand the 'elite'; the rich (verse 8), the high-ranking (verse 13), the nobility (verse 14), the man of honor (verse 15), heroes and valiant men (verse 22). On the other side 'John in the cap': the crowd (verse 13, 14) and the common man (verse 15). You can also say the elite, the people in charge. The others are the ones who don't have anything to say, the common people.
This is what is nominally called 'democracy', but it is not. William Kelly called this a feature of the (recovered) Roman Empire 160 years ago (see here). Everywhere it is gradually becoming apparent that this is the situation we are in in the Western world.

All these terrible conditions are the result of idolatry in the book of Isaiah (and throughout the Old Testament, for that matter); people seek 'god experiences' and thus come under the influence of demons. This happened again and again with the people of Israel and God announced in advance that He would have to judge the idolatry. Even before they enter the land of Canaan, like here:

Beware lest you forget the covenant of the LORD your God, which he hath made with you, and make for thee an image, the image of any thing which the LORD thy God hath forbidden thee. 24 For the LORD your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God.
25 . . . if you make an image, the image of any thing, and do that which is evil in the sight of the LORD your God, to provoke him to anger, 26 then I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day, that you will soon vanish from the land for which you cross the Jordan to possess it. Thou shalt not prolong thy days in it, but surely be swept away.
27 Then the LORD will scatter you among the nations everywhere. You will be left with few men among the nations to whom the LORD will lead you.

Deuteronomy 4:19-27

What happened to Israel (and will soon happen again in the 'great tribulation') will also happen to the western 'Christian' world: the judgment of God. In Revelation 18 we find a description of this - the fall of Babylon - and there are striking similarities with what we saw in Isaiah 5.

The Fall of Babylon – Revelation 18

Babylon[1] has become a dwelling place of demons (18:2). This undoubtedly means that idolatry is (and always has been) the first and greatest feature of Babylon here). That Babylon will be judged by God:

Therefore in one day her plagues will come: death, mourning, and famine, and she will be burned with fire, for strong is the Lord God who judges her.”

Revelation 18:8

It is the final end of Babylon:Thus Babylon the great city will be violently thrown down, and it will never be found again.” (Revelation 18:21). Judgment is executed swiftly and inevitably; it says several times in 'one hour' happened (18:10,16,19).
Remarkably, this chapter gives ample attention to the kings and merchants of the earth. The same people who play an important role in Isaiah 5.

  • The kings of the earth, those who have authority and power over the peoples and the nations, have gotten along well with Babylon. They "committed fornication with her”- it is said twice (in 18:3 and 9) - and lived licentiously and when that comes to an end, they weep and mourn (18:9).
  •  The merchants of the earth have become rich by the wondrous power of the wealth and luxury of Babylon (18:3). They too weep and mourn, like the kings, because they have no more customers; there is no one left to buy their wares (18:11)
Don't love the world

We may well realize the world we live in – a world built on the idolatry of Babylon, partly clad in a 'Christian' coat, heading for the judgment of God. The apostle John knew that, knew the difference between the things of the world and the things of God, and he writes about it in a special way. It is worth reading and pondering those notes from Johannes for yourself.

Love not the world, nor what is in the world. If anyone loves the world, the Father's love is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passes with its desire; but whoever does the will of God abides forever. Children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, from which we know that it is the last hour.” (…)
Behold, how great is the love which the Father has given us, that we be called children of God. That's why the world doesn't know us, because it doesn't know Him. Beloved, now we are children of God, and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be. But we know that when He shall be revealed, we shall be like Him; for we shall see Him as He is. And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure.

1 John 2:15-18; 3:1-3

[1] Babylon: The pagan religious system wrapped in a 'Christian' coat, which also underlies and is closely intertwined with all of Western culture and society.