Chilling with super powers in your head

We live in a time when humanity is increasingly tempted to get used to domination by dark powers. When they get used to it they do not know any different and it is part of normal life. That the powers are dark is not the first thing that comes to mind because the prince of darkness pretends to be an angel of light. So even his servants let people know that they have their best interests at heart. Children and young people also have the full interest of darkness.

About three years ago, we talked about chatbots and Replika, a chatbot that looks like yourself and who you can talk to when you're struggling. Today we "casually" ran into SuperChill.

Children are invited to immerse themselves in a "wonderful world" where you can experience "mental powers," become master of "stimuli" that come to you and experience the "magic" - the enchantment - that certain exercises can give you calmness and tranquility.

You can read what Super Chill is below in their own lyrics.

SUPER CHILL in its own words

Super Chill is a free app for children ages 6 and up to practice using the super powers in your mind. The exercises are to calm down, learn rituals and get some good exercise. No worries: you don't have to sit still in cross-legged chairs for hours.

Do you ever dream of a calm head, as peaceful as a babbling brook? We have just what you need: Super Chill exercises. These videos are inspired by meditation, but what makes them really special is how they teach you to surf the waves of stimuli and nerves. Ready to learn how to turn that storm in your head into a gentle breeze?

In our videos you will discover little Super Chill rituals that will make your head fresher and calmer. Each exercise is like a secret key to your super powers. This will make you stand firmer in your sneakers, boots or water shoes. Ready to discover how to master any situation with a few simple rituals?

These Super Chill videos are packed with exercises that not only get you moving, but also teach you how to stretch and stretch your body until you're as resilient as a panther-print rubber band! Both in your body and in your mind. These adventures will make you mentally stronger and more flexible than ever. For big people, it's also a must for stretching all the stupid stuff out of the body every once in a while or getting wings for a while.

These exercises will teach you how to turn on your Super Chill focus so you're not flying through all sides of the room like a Frisbee with your thoughts. It's like having a magic remote control that only you can control. These exercises transform hot heads into fresh and calm heads.

The crafty temptations

The people behind the Super Chill app all seem very nice, but they all have a background in yoga or meditation. This is also clearly echoed in the texts reproduced above. They are meant to introduce children and young people "playfully" to that other invisible world. A world that wants to take over our inner feelings, emotions and thinking.

Therefore, what is happening here is Super Serious. But for parents/grandparents and young people, as well as children who want to follow the Lord, there is only one piece of advice:

Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” (Ephesians 6:11).

Because Super Chill also falls into the category cunning temptations!