
On this page you will find an e-book about the topics discussed on this site, as well as the individual chapters, both in PDF format. The topics are discussed and substantiated in more detail than is possible in the contributions on the blog itself.

Read the chapters in the order given and don't just pick a chapter. Then you prevent that you will miss something in understanding the story. Test everything you read against the Bible (Acts 17:11).

  1. About God and Gods Part 1 Version 29-2-16
    • A word in advance
    • The Bible – God's Great Story
  2. About God and Gods Part 2
    • What the Bible Understands Idolatry
    • How the pagans serve their gods
  3. About God and Gods Part 3
    • Idolatry in Christianity – Brief History
    • Idolatry in Christianity – Present
    • Seclusion – going out
  4. About God and Gods Part 4
    • Repentance, Rebirth and the Holy Ghost
    • The Work of the Holy Spirit
  5. About God and Gods Part 5
    • Priestly Service in the Church
    • Authority in the Fellowship
    • God's Word in the Church
    • The Unity of the Municipality
  6. About God and Gods – Complete eBook

Various topics