About this site

The reason

Circumstances prompted me years ago to start reading the Bible intensively. In doing so, I discovered that the Bible defines "idolatry" quite differently than I had always thought. That was shocking, because it means that the Bible calls many things we put under the heading of "serving God" as "idolatry. Such an observation does not make you happy, so to speak.

On the other hand, this made me wonder what it means to "serve the true God. We usually think of rules and standards or believe that you have to make an effort for God with all kinds of good activities. But in the Bible it is always about 'Christ the Crucified' (1 Corinthians 1:23). Then your personal Christian life and life as a Christian community is all about Him! Thankfully, that is much simpler than what we humans have made of it. But also many times more beautiful!

Het doel van de site

Over beide thema’s is veel onduidelijkheid en dat is de reden dat deze site is opgezet. Het doel ervan is om christenen te laten nadenken over de vraag waar ze staan, zodat ze een weloverwogen antwoord kunnen geven op de oproep “Choose ... today whom you will serve"  (Joshua 24:15). So that we heartilyserve the living and true God ” (1 Thessalonicenzen 1:9).

The set-up

The main section - on serving God and idolatry - can be found in the menu under the pages "Idolatry" and "Serving God". There are several pages there that expand on these themes. Do read them in the order in which they are listed below, or you will miss the common thread.

Dezelfde informatie vindt je ook op de downloadpagina, waar je hetzelfde in boekvorm kunt vinden. Overigens wordt de stof daarin vaak wat uitgebreider beschreven. Ook vind je daar artikelen die met de thema’s van deze site te maken hebben.

What else should not be missed are pages on

Tenslotte zullen we af en toe een artikeltje schrijven naar aanleiding van de actualiteit of van een Bijbelgedeelte, dat te maken heeft met de thema’s op deze site. Als je je inschrijft wordt je op de hoogte gehouden van nieuwe inhoud.

About the near future

A third theme added later relates to the times in which we live and the things to come. The Bible is not only the book of the beginning, but also the book of the end. Rather, it is the Word of the God who knows both the beginning and the end! We will try to find out the main things about it here. You will find it at Expecting Jesus!