About me

A few things about myself - "because that's the way it's supposed to be.

My name is Teun de Jager and I was born to believing parents. Here you can see how this was announced in the magazine "From the Word of Truth" at the time. Only when I posted this picture did I notice for the first time that the word "Son" is capitalized. Funny, but I have no idea why.

Birth announcement 11-12-48

Growing up in a community of "the brother movement," I accepted the Lord Jesus as my Savior and Lord when I was 16 years old. Three brothers there made an indelible impression on me that has stayed with me throughout my life:

  • the one in whom you could tell in his sermons that he needed the Lord Jesus in his Christian life as much as a young man in his twenties; that was consolation;
  • the other, a pur sang evangelist who very often took us for street evangelism; that was encouragement;
  • the third, whom you could find praying, kneeling in front of his chair, when you entered his study unannounced; that was example.

After college, I - as a recognized conscientious objector to military service' - had to do my substitute service and we got married. We have four children and 10 grandchildren. I have worked at the Dutch Railways, Philips, Baan, HAN and since a number of years retired.

I am an imperfect Christian. I love God's Word, but still know far too little about it. There are many things I don't know the answer to. But the extraordinary thing is that in practice, the Lord often does make clear those things from His Word that we really need.

De laatste vijftien jaar zijn de onderwerpen van deze site belangrijk voor me, ook al hebben omstandigheden me genoodzaakt me er mee bezig te houden.

On the one hand, the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 4:6). The conviction that the person and work of the Lord Jesus are so great that we cannot comprehend it. We need the whole Bible to know and admire Him more. But He is also so great that we need nothing else besides Him for our spiritual life. Christ the Crucified must increasingly be our life. Everything we humans have made of the Christian life, we should do away with so that He becomes greater for us and it is only more about Him (John 3:30).

On the other hand, the tremendous deception going on in Christian territory. The great ease with which Christians accept what is presented to them as 'true' by their leaders. While those things lead them down a path that God's Word calls "idolatry. Without realizing it, we - like the people of Israel back then - are falling under the judgment of God.

Daarom moeten christenen leren zien wat volgens de Bijbel de werkelijke betekenis is van afgoderij en wat het betekent om ‘de ware God te dienen’. Het enige dat ik kan doen is om op deze site te plaatsen wat ik van de Heer ontvang uit Zijn Woord. Ik hoop dat het je helpt ‘God te dienen’ en de Heer Jezus meer lief te hebben.

Here's another piece of family history: sixty letters that my grandparents wrote to my father in the period 1938 -1948. To download if you are interested (Sixty-letters).

Taking photos is one of the things I do enjoy doing, but have (too) little time for. Occasionally I put some on Pixabay; you can find them here find.

You will find blogs about my circumstances from autumn 2019 under the Footsteps category (see here)