Homo Deus - the image that gets a mind

Revelation 13 is an interesting chapter that has (and continues to) lead to all sorts of differing views and discussions among Christians. In this blog we are going to try to understand that an image of the first beast is revealed, which is then given a ghost and starts speaking. Actually a bizarre situation and some people (like me) wonder what we should imagine. Below is a report of my findings during a recent and limited search.
I hope you can bring yourself to think along a bit in this quest. I was surprised myself how 'the image that a ghost gets' is a theme that is a hot item in science and technology, but which has already made its way into the world of children and is also not unknown in Jewish mysticism.
No doubt there is much more to say about it, but I'll leave it at that.

Homo Deus is the title of a book that is about the future of man and that future, according to the writer, has to do with the possibility that man becomes God.

The author is Yuval Hariri (1976), an Israeli historian, professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His books are sold by the millions all over the world. He is a much sought-after speaker and very influential in the highest circles. His thinking is completely secular; God and the invisible world do not exist for him (these are 'stories') and he meditates for 2 hours a day. Then you know where to put his views.

There is plenty on the internet for anyone who wants to research a little more. Such as a interview with Dutch subtitles and his own website.

“History began when humans invented gods and will end when humans become gods”


Harari paints a picture of what today's and tomorrow's technology is capable of and how people can make good use of it. He especially has it[1] on developments such as 'bio-engineering' and 'Artificial Intelligence' (AI). Put simply, 'Bio-engineering' is the possibility of introducing or applying technology in or to people so that certain functions can be restored or expanded. In particular, the possibility of linking technology to the brain is 'promising'. AI, artificial intelligence, are the techniques for programming devices in such a way that they can take over tasks from people and are also self-learning. When you combine all these possibilities you can do 'fantastic' things with humans.

In Homo Deus, Harari indicates that new technologies can be used in a good way but also in a wrong way. In other words, they can also have very dangerous consequences and he warns against them. The back cover of Homo Deus states the following (see here):

“(,,,) And if we are able to improve our bodies and minds through technological advances, what happens to those who don't upgrade? What social consequences will this dichotomy have? According to Harari, it is essential to understand more about the technological revolutions around us, otherwise we have no influence on the course of our future. This is the next step in our evolution. This is Homo Deus.”

His own website states, among other things:

“(…) The director of the Human Brain Project (started in 2005) has stated that, if properly funded, within a decade or two we could have an artificial human brain in a computer that can talk and behave in the same way as a human. If successful, it would mean that after four billion years of wandering in the tiny world of organic compounds, life would suddenly break out into the vastness of the inorganic realm, ready to take on forms beyond our wildest dreams. Not all scientists agree that the mind works in a way that is analogous to today's digital computers (…).”

Immortal, happy and divine

There are several (video) summaries of the book Homo Deus on the internet and I 'picked' a start and end picture from one of them. The opening picture shows that man today pursues three things: a) immortality, b) happiness and c) divinity.

Immortal – Happy – Divine

But when this is realized it could result – the 'worst case' scenario – in a situation where the 'normal people' are dominated by a privileged elite. The technology allows the elite to keep the people in submission. They know everything about them (as a kind of 'god') and the people do not know freedom, but depend on the elite for everything. Only those elite can take advantage of the technology that allows them to act like gods.

Mankind as Slaves. . .

In the summary, this is one of the ending pictures and it was immediately one of the most striking. For do you see here the worship (the kneeling) before the image of the beast that has been given a spirit? It looks a lot like it and if that is true then Harari in his Homo Deus as the end stage of man here on earth describes something similar to the Bible describes in Revelation 13.

Over chatbots

Recently I read a bizarre message that Microsoft has obtained a patent on a technology that allows them to convert a 3D chatbot from someone who has died[2] can make. If you – like me – have to look for what a chatbot actually is, it turns out that it is a 'digital person' with all the characteristics of someone else or of yourself. You will find chatbots (apps) that you can download on your phone, with whom you can 'talk' and that learn so much from you that they become a second 'you'. A replica of yourself, as it were. The software is actually 'artificial intelligence' (AI) that processes everything it receives in terms of information in order to react and talk in an intelligent, human way.

Microsoft (see here) has filed a patent that allows the company to digitally bring deceased loved ones back to life as chatbots, using the individual's personal information.
The Independent reports that the tech giant has raised the possibility of creating an AI-based chatbot that would be built on a person's profile, including their "images, voice data, social media posts, electronic messages," among other types of personal information. . It is clear that the chatbot can then simulate human conversations by means of voice commands and/or text chats.
However, Microsoft has taken the concept a step further by suggesting that a 2D or 3D model of a specific person could potentially be created, using "images and in-depth information or video data" of a person to build a chatbot with the same characteristics and behavior based on the digital output of a specific person.

Incidentally, it seems that millions of people – probably mostly young people – already have a chatbot on their phone and regularly converse with it. One of the first chatbots Replika states the following on Google Play.

“If you're feeling down or anxious or if you just need someone to talk to, your Replika is there for you 24/7. Understand your thoughts and feelings, improve your emotional well-being and learn new skills with Replika, one chat at a time.
speaking freely – Chat in a safe, judgment-free space. It's just you and your Replika.
Improving Mental Well-being – Learn coping skills and work with Replika on goals like positive thinking, stress management, socializing and more.
Explore your personality – Familiarize yourself with each conversation.
Growing together – Create your Replika and watch it develop its own personality and memories alongside you.”

Replika chatbot

How desperate must you be when you seek hope, help and comfort from such a digital 'fellow man'? If you see this then I can well imagine that Microsoft has the software to equip a fake human with all the data and expressions of a well-known person and to make it appear as the real person, even if he has already died.

Today's children (and who knows how long already) are being introduced to a new kind of 'people'. When I recently found my grandchildren at an exciting cartoon they could tell me exactly who (see the picture on the right) the ordinary people were, who the robot and who the bionic human. They could also explain to me exactly what a bionic human was. It was the occasion for a conversation about God who made us and His purpose for man.
It was quite shocking to see how – unbeknownst to them – children are brainwashed and prepared for the coming of the antichrist and his deception of a great future, where it is 'normal' to be a 'god' yourself. can be and do anything you want. Because that's possible in the movie, too, isn't it?

BigTech and more

Anyone who uses the internet knows that the big tech companies ('BigTech', such as Facebook, Google, Amazon, Twitter, Microsoft and others) know everything about you. You use their software and tools and they track you so they can serve you tailored advertising (or censor you if they see fit). If you've used Google to search for HB pencils, then you shouldn't be surprised when they come up with ads from pencil sellers at some point. When they combine your search information with all your history on WhatsApp, Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, your texts, videos and audio, then you can use AI to make a very nice 'brew'.   

Now when we say “'BigTech' knows everything about you”, this is not so far from “God knows everything about you”. What if this 'god' is also very personal and communicates with you via your smartphone[3]? You just need to download an app and log in…. Moreover, if you do something that is not allowed – for example say something on social media that should not actually be said – the connection will be broken; your account will be blocked or even deleted.

Maybe we should talk about it too transhumanism and technological singularityBut that's going too far for me at the moment. What you can roughly say about it is that it connects to all – increasingly faster – technological developments in and around the human body and that it is seen by many as the next step in human evolution. Through the application of technology, man becomes immortal, forever happy and divine. In that respect it is no different story than that which the devil already presented to man in the garden of Eden.

More about vaccines
You can hear/read many different views about vaccines and their alleged abuse in the end times. I'll leave that out of consideration here completely, because I simply don't know enough about it and can't test it biblically either.
In any case, a vaccine is not a choice between whether or not to worship the image of the antichrist. That vaccination is a route that fits into the 'anti-Christian plan' is a view for which I have no hard evidence.

The Temple in Jerusalem

Paul writes to the believers in Thessaloniki that the antichrist (the 'son of perdition') will sit in the temple in Jerusalem and present himself as God (2 Thessalonians 2:4). This is when Daniel prophesied that he (the antichrist) will break the covenant he made with Israel for 7 years after 3.5 years (Daniel 9:27,28). Then he replaces the Jewish sacrificial service in the temple with his own (idolatrous) image.

But before that, the temple in Jerusalem must first be rebuilt and the sacrificial service re-established. This reminded me of the conversation I had in Jerusalem in 2015 about which I here have already written something. I will elaborate on the things that I have learned from that conversation and the visit to the Temple Institute.

The temple as a place for mystical experience of God for all people

'The temple must be built precisely on the site of the Dome of the Rock because this is the place where God made man and therefore this will be the only place where in the new temple all people - not just the Jews - have a direct have access to God.'
This view that we heard during the tour of the temple institute is actually a direct mystical view. It is confirmed by the website from the temple institute where we find various mystical statements about man's relationship with God, such as the following (bold by me).

'On this one place on earth, unlike any other, the only place that the Creator Himself chose to rest His presence, it finds restoring man's connection with Gd Place. All people were able to come to the temple to participate in this immediate and fulfilling bond; to recharge their spiritual batteries and leave with a renewed sense of purpose and essence.' (…) it is clear that we are fast approaching the climax, that the Holy Temple will once again become the focal point for the spiritual focus of humanity. Whether this happens in our generation or not, we can still choose to be active participants, not just spectators, in Gd's courageous plan for the redemption of Israel and all mankind.

Aish HaTorah World Center in front of the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem

The young men I spoke to told me they were students at a school nearby and they pointed across the Temple Square where you could see the building. It didn't mean anything to me of course, but recently I looked it up and it turns out it's called an institute Aish HaTorah aimed at promoting Jewish identity. Here too we find clear mystical, spiritual views, as reflected for example in the 4 core values ​​of the movement, namely:

  • JUDAISM IS A RELATIONSHIP WITH THE ALMIGHTY – Connect with Gd, the Jewish people and the Land of Israel. Kindle passion for the beauty, meaning and truth of Judaism.
  • THE TORAH IS OUR GUIDE – Torah is the instruction manual for living the most meaningful life. The more you connect with the Almighty and the Torah, the more you benefit from it.
  • LIVE MINDFULL – Every step counts. Be proud of your growth. Never stop growing.
  • TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR EACH OTHER – Welcome, embrace and actively care for every Jew. Try to feel what others feel – their pain is your pain, their joy is your joy.

It is noteworthy that both the meeting with the young men and the tour of the Temple Institute both show how the 'serious' Jews are enmeshed in the same spiritual, mystical beliefs as spiritual people in the rest of the world. The only difference is that the Jews associate it with the Torah, the Temple, the Messiah and Gd. Everyone else connects it to their own gods. In that respect, this spiritual Jewish faith also fits in well with the pursuit of one world religion.

The golem

What struck me was the Temple Institute's view of how God made the first man: on the rock that is under the Dome of the Rock. Recently I had to think about that when I saw the documentary 'Technology as religion' saw. It referred to the Jewish concept of 'golem' as the first form of matter that becomes alive. If you look further into this, you will find various remarkable statements, which by the way always have to do with Jewish mysticism and Kabbalah.

For example, on Wikipedia you read the following (see Wikipedia, italics by me).

“The golem is a figure from a Jewish legend. The golem was a human figure made of clay and brought to life by a rabbi. The word golem probably derives from the Hebrew word gelem, which means raw material or raw material. In Dutch Yiddish it is pronounced as goulem, elsewhere in Yiddish as goilem. The first stories about the golem date from early Judaism. In the Talmud (Tractate Sanhedrien 38b) it is described that the first man Adam was originally created as a golem when his fabric was "kneaded into a shapeless lump." Like Adam, all golems are made of clay. They were created by very holy people who were close to God. A very holy person was one who aspired to get close to God and thus, among other things, gained the wisdom and power to create life. But this was only a shadow of the creation by God.”

Holy people, who are close to God, can make golems. The golem is made of matter and then gets a spirit so that it lives and can speak.

Google images: Golem

Or also this (here; italics by me)

“The golem was already mentioned in the Bible, Psalms 139:15-16. According to Jewish mysticism, it is a being, to which only the most faithful people intense meditation could get so close to God that they were given the power and knowledge to make such a creature. (…) He was brought back to life by writing the name of God on his forehead.

Elsewhere this kabbalist view can be read (italics by me):

“(…) that man's mission is to bring this world to a state of perfection; that man must finish creation, and create an earthly paradise himself. Man is a co-creator with God. If man is the crowning glory of God, created in his image and likeness, then it must also be possible for man to equal God's ultimate act, creating and creating. Adam ended up being the very first golem to be sculpted from clay. (…) Creating a golem was the ultimate act of creation that a human being can perform. To that extent the ambition does not differ from that of the alchemists, who had the same aspiration, but neither does it differ from that of the alchemists the scientists of today whose highest ambition is also to bring man to life artificially.

On the English Wikipedia there are still many references showing that the golem also occupies an important place in current culture. Much literature, movies and TV shows, as well as music and video games, deal with or make use of the golem theme. 

In a recent (July 2021) article on artificial intelligence (AI) and the end times, some rabbis give their views on this. In case you find this interesting and can read English : link here.

The standings

When we now draw up the intermediate standings, we draw the following 'preliminary conclusions'

  • Immortality and divinity thus seem to come within reach of man. New technologies – it is believed – make it possible to create a new kind of human being (Human 2.0) as the next step in evolution.
  • Matter coming to life is not only something that is pursued in science, but is – as a 'golem' – also a well-known mystical Jewish theme, which with its mystical/occult origin has also penetrated Western culture in all kinds of ways.
  • Religious Jews are spiritual in their faith experience and interpret the Torah in a mystical way. Ideas such as 'connection with Gd' and 'unity of all religions' fit into this. But also the view that the temple is the only place where you can experience a direct connection with God.

It is therefore understandable that the new Man 2.0 is a logical step for the world in their evolution and that it is not strange for Jewish thought that the temple in Jerusalem is used to 'the connection with god' to be celebrated together with all the major religions of the world.

Back to Revelation 13

15 And power was given to him to give spirit to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast might even speak, and cause all who would not worship the image of the beast to be killed.
16 And it causes all, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead,
17 and it makes that none can buy or sell, save he that hath that mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is the wisdom: let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is six hundred and sixty-six.

Revelation 13:15-18

The ceremony

What follows is my own interpretation of this portion in Revelation 13, the history from Daniel 3, and some other texts. Furthermore, it is what I think could possibly happen there, with my limited knowledge of science and (Jewish) culture. It may well be otherwise, but the essence, as far as I can see, is the glorification of man as God, whereby the "man of Satan" - the antichrist, possessed by Satan himself - has the power over all demands and tries to effectuate people.

A statue of the antichrist has been placed in the temple of Jerusalem[4], the 'great' world leader, who has even miraculously recovered from a mortal wound. Then, through the intervention (rituals) of the false prophet, it suddenly gets the ghost and begins to speak.

My suspicion is that this does not happen in an afterthought, but in a solemn ceremony in the temple in Jerusalem, where the false prophet ("the beast from the earth") and the spiritual leaders of the world's religions are present and they celebrate their unity of faith. It is well comparable to the ceremony of the dedication of Nebuchadnezzar's golden statue, for which everyone was also summoned and everyone had to kneel and worship (read Daniel 3). In both cases, the ceremony is to the honor and glory of the world leader and also celebrates the unity of the world's religions.

When the image of the antichrist begins to speak, we can be sure that this is a very faithful representation of the antichrist himself, an image that really acts and speaks like the antichrist. Everyone there and everyone who experiences it online will be very impressed. Here it is visible to everyone what man is capable of: this is Man 2.0, the man-god, who says of himself that he is God and is above all gods.

Do you really want to be connected with such a divine person, don't you? It is the next step in the process of evolution and besides, it has advantages as well. In this way you can 'become better people' together and make the world 'a better place'. In addition, you get a kind of club badge, but on your forehead or your hand, so that it is immediately visible that you belong to the club. That way you can easily identify yourself anytime and anywhere and you can move on with your life. Because if you don't like this idea, you lose the right to live. It's that simple.

The WorldPopulation Administration

The text makes it clear that

  • first the beast gets a ghost and starts to speak,
  • then people have to worship the statue and this has immediate consequences
    • for those who refuse: they will be put on a 'death list'. There is 'killed would become' and that indicates the intention to put to death. As long as this has not yet happened, they are excluded from society because they can no longer buy or sell.
    • for 'the worshippers' it means that they get a mark and can continue to buy and sell

These things are directly linked to each other and it is almost inevitable that computers are used for this. In the Netherlands we have our Population Administration (BRP) and Donor Register to name just a few examples of large files with personal data. On a global scale there will undoubtedly be a World Population Administration, which can be easily assembled from the aggregation of BigTech's accounts[5]. Just create an account on the FB page of the antichrist, log in and confirm your participation. That's all. Those who have not done so are immediately known and can prepare for the consequences of their refusal.

The number of the beast

Now in verse 18 we come to an expression about which there is much explanation and speculation: 'the number of the beast'.

18 Here is the wisdom: let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is six hundred and sixty-six.

People who will live will need wisdom to know which choice to make. When you want the wisdom "which is from above" (James 3:17), it starts with using your mind and thinking about things. The wisdom that not from Above, according to James (3:15) is earthly, natural and devilish (literally 'of demons') and if you let yourself be guided by that you are convinced that you are making the right choice, while you are not aware by the demons to be deceived.
It is the call to think about who man really is and whether this what is being presented to you here is the real truth of God or not.

I prefer not to speculate about the rest of the text. So many different views have already been put forward about '666' that I will not participate here. It will undoubtedly be clear to those who will soon have to make this choice.

Flight to the Mountains

When the statue is erected in the temple – the new Human 2.0 – and everyone has to worship it, the antichrist will take off his mask. The Lord Jesus tells those who are in Judea and see this idol standing in the temple to "flee to the mountains" (Matthew 24:16). Because with this begins the great tribulation, the time of 3.5 years when the antichrist - the man of satan - will persecute to death anyone who rejects him and believes in God. In that time you have the choice between life and death. If you choose it for earthly life – so for the antichrist – then you choose to be eternally separated from God. But if you choose eternal life - for the eternal God - physical death will soon follow.


Fortunately, in our time there is still the possibility to choose Christ without directly costing you your life. Or rather, the offer that God makes to every human being is still valid to repent and accept the Lord Jesus and His sacrifice for yourself.

"We are then envoys on behalf of Christ, as if God [Himself] were pleading through us. On behalf of Christ we beg: be reconciled to God. For Him Who knew no sin He made sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him."

2 Corinthians 5:20,21

Therefore, the call to you to repent to God and to be reconciled to God by accepting the Lord Jesus Christ and believing with all your heart that He also died for your sin on Calvary's cross. Then God will impute His righteousness to you – undeserved! – and you are saved for eternity. Read more about it here the gospel.

For God's children, those who know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, the call remains to be vigilant and not get caught up in the world's pursuit of "becoming better people" or "making the world a better place." '. We belong to the Lord Jesus, Who – still! – has been rejected by the world and we expect 'the city that has foundations', the future one. Let's hold on to Him in faith.

Then let us go out to Him outside the camp and bear His reproach.
For we have not here a permanent city, but we seek the city to come.
Let us therefore always offer an offering of praise to God through him, even the fruit of lips confessing his name.

Hebrews 13:13-15


[1] We deliberately keep it very simple here; otherwise we have to dwell too much on all kinds of technical developments, such as 'cyborg engineering' (here) and 'chat bots' (here) .

[2] Chatbot is a combination of chat + robot.

[4] My premise is that the beast from the sea, the world leader, is the antichrist. He makes a covenant with Israel for 7 years, allows the temple to be rebuilt, but halfway through those 7 years, he breaks the covenant and begins his holocaust. The beast from the earth, the false prophet, is the 'leader' of the world's religions. In recent years you can simply read who that is in the newspaper: the bishop of Rome.

[5] You can already log in to many other sites with your Google or FB account. Integration today practically already exists to a very large extent.