The Creator of all things

Recently, in the letter to Colossae, I came across the expression that "all things exist together through Him." For me that was an eye-opener in connection with the evolutionary belief. In this article a short search through the New Testament. It became clear to me again that the Bible leaves no room for any evolutionary belief whatsoever.
First a short video…

The Bible is (not) a fairy tale book.

Honoring the Creator

We start with the text that we have already taken as a starting point:

They have replaced the truth of God with the lie, and have worshiped and served the creature above the Creator, Who is to be praised for ever. Amen.” (Romans 1:25)

God wants to be honored as the Creator by all His creatures. If man does not want that, the consequences are disastrous, as we have seen before (see here). When God makes himself known in creation and in His Word as the Creator of all things, we can deny that, but then we are really talking about another God, not the God of the Bible.

All things

God is the Creator. But it is even more concrete: He Who is the Word is the Creator.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. This was with God in the beginning. All things were made by the Word, and without this Word not a thing was made that was made.” (John 1:1-3)

The Word is God, but also with God. He is the Son of God, as the Gospel of John clearly shows. All things were made by Him, without exception, as Paul also writes:  “(…) God, Who created all things through Jesus Christ.” (Ephesians 3:9).
All things really are all things and it does not mean that God made the beginning and the rest evolved through evolution. All things were created by Him!

The visible and the invisible things

All things really contain everything; the things in heaven and on earth, and not only the visible, but also the invisible things.

“Want by Him were created all things in the heavens and in the earth, visible and invisible: thrones, dominions, principalities, or powers; all things were created by Him and for Him.” (Colossians 1:16)

All powers that are invisible to us and their relationships of authority were also created by Him. They were created not only by Him, but also for Him. He is also the target of the invisible creation. 

No hint of evolution

Our Creator, the Son of God, made everything and God's Word leaves no room for any evolutionary thinking whatsoever. The opposite of evolutionary belief is belief in the Word of God. We should not mix the Bible with the evolutionary belief, no matter what is being said and promoted around us.

“By faith we see that the world was created by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made out of that which is visible.” (Hebrews 11:3)

Evolutionary belief is that the visible originated from the visible, but according to this scripture that is not true. Everything is accomplished by the Word of God.

(…) and all things exist together through Him.” (Colossians 1:17)

The word 'together' is special, for it speaks of a connection between all things conceived and made by God Himself. In all creation there is a mutual coherence, a divine order. It means that the coherence, both in the universe and in the 'microcosm', such as the human immune system, for example, was designed and created by the Creator. For example, the human immune system did not arise from 'lower forms' by any kind of evolution. Logically/scientifically, that is certainly not possible, but God's Word also indicates here that the Creator has designed and realized the Self. All of its coherence and complexity was designed and created by the God of the Bible.

It all depends on what you mean by faith and which God you want to serve. The Bible is clear about it.

The word 'existence' also means the maintenance of the accomplished. So begins the letter to the Hebrews: “(…) the Son, through whom also he made the world, who upholds all things by his mighty word...” (Hebrews 1:3). God created everything, brought it into being, but after that He did not let go of His creation. He still carries and maintains her.

There has never been a time like today when the divine order, the coherence that He willed and created, is so immediately denied and broken down on all fronts.

He came into the world

This great Creator, the Word, the Son of God, Who created all things, became man and came into His own creation. He came from the invisible world into this earthly world of visible things.

“He was in the world, and the world came into existence through Him, and the world knew Him not.”.” (John 1:10)

What an incredible drama when the Creator becomes man and is not known by His own creatures; not then and not now. We know how it went; rejected by men and crucified on Calvary.

The Gospel

When Paul preaches the gospel in Athens, he begins to speak about the God they do not know. That is where the gospel always begins: with the God who created us.

The God Who made the world and all that is in it, This One, Who is [a] Lord of heaven and of earth (...).” (Acts 17:24)

It begins with God Who is the Creator. But not only that; He is also the Lord of heaven and earth. He is the owner, the highest in authority, the highest authority over the heavens and the earth. To that God we must repent and receive Christ whom He has given in grace.

“God has openly appointed Him as a means of atonement through faith in His blood.” (Romans 3:25)

The Source of God's Creation

When the Lord Jesus speaks to Laodicea, the last church so to speak, He makes Himself known as follows.

Thus saith the Amen, the faithful and true Witness, the beginning of God's creation . . .” (Revelation 3:14,22)

It seems that in these last days it is especially important that we hold on to the fact that our Lord is the source, the origin of creation. Because that's what'the beginning' means: the source or origin of creation. Actually, it is written with a double emphasis: '… from Gods creation'.

A throne in heaven

When the apostle John is allowed to see what would happen in the future, it begins with an impressive spectacle around the throne in heaven (in Revelation 4). We can hardly imagine what is described there, but we will be there soon! Hear what the congregation ('elders', better: 'elders') will sing:

And whenever the beasts brought glory and honor and thanksgiving to Him who sat on the throne and who lives forever and ever, the twenty-four elders prostrated themselves before Him who sat on the throne, worshiped Him who lives forever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying, Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive the glory, the honor, and the power, for Thou hast created all things, and by Thy will they exist and were created.” (Revelation 4:9-11)

The last book of the Bible is the “Revelation of Jesus Christ” (1:1) and unfolds how He will establish His kingdom here on earth through judgments. Then it is special that at the beginning of the description of His future reference is made to the fact that He created everything according to His will.

So does the entire New Testament testify of our Creator.
He is the eternal Son of God, who became man,
died on Calvary's cross and will soon return to establish His kingdom.
The future is His, just as the beginning is His.
Let us hold fast to the unequivocal testimony of God's Word.

To Him, the Creator of the universe,
the Supreme Lord and King,
bring glory and honor to all heaven,
singing praises in His dwelling.

And we also bow before Him,
the source of all things,
in the joyful prospect to His glory
sing the new song:

“The Lamb slain for us on earth,
is eternally worth receiving
the wisdom, wealth, honor and power
and thankful songs of praise.”

Spiritual Songs nr 148