The Letter to the Believers in Rome

A short summary of the letter to the Romans is posted on the download page. This was made as a result of the Bible studies we had about this in 2015/16. We try to follow the line of thought in the letter and draw from it the most important lessons - the main points - for the believer.

It was a useful and beneficial exercise for me in the first place. I hope it also helps you as a reader to better understand these important truths and live the Christian life more as God intended.

This letter to the Romans is the first in the New Testament and therefore contains basic teaching for every believer. They are lessons of fundamental truths; you could say the biblical α course. It covers the following topics

  • The Gospel; (H1-7)
    • Who is God, who is man, Who is Jesus Christ
    • The Consequences of Christ's Work
    • What is faith and what does it mean in life
  • The work of the Spirit; the inner Christian life (H8)
  • A mystery; God's plan with his people Israel (H9-11)
  • The Christian life (H12-16)
    • Devotion to God
    • Submissive to authority
    • Marked by love
    • Accept each other
    • Giving up your own prosperity
    • Glorify God together
    • No disagreements

The things Paul writes on all these subjects are of great importance to our faith and our Christian life. But on many of these themes you hear many different views around you. It is not for nothing that Paul points out at the end of his letter to pay close attention to this: we must stick to what the apostles have taught us. Therefore: read this letter to the Romans! And keep rereading the letter. Not this summary is the truth, but God's Word itself. This summary is at best an aid.

See the summary here: Letter to the Romans version 2

More extensive lessons on the letter to the Romans: see here.