Thinking and testing

How important it is that we think about the truth; what is true and what is not. That already applies to the world we live in, where one lie probably fights another lie for the predicate 'truth'. And where Twitter and Facebook determine what is 'true'. Fortunately, we don't have to figure out everything that's going on in the world. The Bible tells where it is going (at breakneck speed).

From the beginning, the Word of God, His Truth, has also been perverted as Paul writes:

  • They have replaced the truth of God with the lie, and have worshiped and served the creature above the Creator, Who is to be praised for ever and ever..” (Romans 1:25)
  • “(…) for you pervert the words of the living God, the LORD of hosts our God.” (Jeremiah 23:36)
  • On the contrary, we have rejected the shameful, hidden practices; we walk not in deceit, nor falsify the Word of God, but by making the truth manifest we commend ourselves to every human conscience, in the presence of God.” (2 Corinthians 4:2)
See if those things are so

The Bereans were people who thought for themselves and tested what they heard from Paul against the Scriptures.

And these were more noble in mind than those in Thessalonica, for they received the Word with great eagerness, and searched the Scriptures daily to see if those things were so. Many then of them believed, and not a few of the great Greek women and men” (Acts 17:11)

They knew the Scriptures, the Old Testament. What Paul taught them they examined daily and tested against the Scriptures to see if what he was telling them was correct. So they didn't take anything for granted, but were apparently critical. Not that they rejected it, for it says they received the Word willingly. So their first reaction was positive. But after that there was still a lot of homework to do to see if it was correct (and if the man who brought it was reliable).

People who deal with the truth of God's Word in this way are called by the Scriptures'noble' named.

The Spirit of Truth

The result of this is also very instructive. Because if we deal with the truth like this and everything we hear or read[1] test the Scriptures, then the Holy Spirit does His work in our hearts:

(…) the Spirit of truth will guide you into all truth, for He will not speak of Himself, but what He hears, He will speak (…)” (John 16:13)

This was also the case with the Beerans: they were convinced of the truth of what Paul had said, it convinced their hearts and “many of them believed”. The same happens to us when we want to know the truth and search the Scriptures for it. Then God's Spirit, the Spirit of truth, convinces our hearts about what God's truth is and what is not. Then we no longer imitate others, but we pronounce what the Lord Himself has taught us from His Word.

The Lord gives insight

Paulus geeft hetzelfde advies aan Timotheüs. Zelf nadenken over het Woord van God – dat wat Paulus aan Timotheüs had onderwezen en geschreven – en verwacht dan ook dat de Heer je inzicht geeft.

Think about what I say, but let the Lord give you understanding of all things.” (2 Timothy 2:7).

From the context of this letter, you can see that the teaching Paul gave was discarded by most of the believers. He writes: “(…) aAll who are in Asia have turned away from me.” (1:15) and “(…) they have all forsaken me.”  (4:16). Hardly anyone in Rome knew where Paul was, so Onesiphorus had to go to great lengths to find him (1:16,17).

It is an image that is still very recognizable today. What Paul received from the Lord Himself and recorded for us in his letters is hardly a topic of conversation and is rejected with fine-sounding reasoning.

But it is precisely then that Paul himself calls us, as it were, to reflect on what he has said and to expect the Lord's insight into it. So that we no longer exclusively follow Paul, but from the insight that we have received from the Lord.

 “The opening of Thy words gives light, it imparts understanding to the simple.”Psalm 119:130)

All things

By the way, Paul says that the Lord will give Timothy insight IN. ALL. STUFF! How big is that? It can't be more. Of course it does not mean that we are people who know everything about everything, but that we test and test everything that comes our way.

Test all things, keep the good.” (1 Thessalonicenzen 5:21)

Then the Lord will give us insight into all these things. John writes the same when he says:

These things have I written to you concerning those who deceive you. And as for you, the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you; but as this anointing instructs you regarding all things – and that anointing is true and is not a lie – and as it has taught you, so must you abide in Him.” (1 Johannes 2:26,27)

“Want de Heere, uw God, stelt u op de proef om te weten of u de Heere, uw God, liefhebt met heel uw hart en met heel uw ziel. Achter de Heere, uw God, moet u aan gaan, Hem moet u vrezen, Zijn geboden moet u in acht nemen en Zijn stem gehoorzamen; Hem moet u dienen en u aan Hem vasthouden.” (Deuteronomy 13:3b,4)




[1] Dat geldt ook voor alles wat er op deze site te lezen valt!