'We take too little time for ourselves'

“Many people set high standards for themselves. They have to be busy-busy-busy and that takes its toll. We have forgotten to take time for ourselves. While that is precisely what is so important.”

Source: 'We take too little time for ourselves' | Barneveld Newspaper

I came across this message in a local newspaper and it actually made me sad again. Finding peace in yourself from a Christian perspective. Below are a few quotes.

“Unrest in your life has more impact than you think. It is not without reason that it is a social problem that is becoming more and more visible in depression, burn-outs and gloominess”. The therapist therefore developed the training program 'Rest in your life!' In eight weekly meetings we go back to basics, what it is like to find peace within yourself”.

"This training is about a deeper layer: when do you really experience rest in yourself? Taking rest often makes one restless; the question is: where does that come from? We hope to make that quest with a group of eight to ten participants. We do that in small, manageable steps. Compare it to peeling off an onion: we are looking for the core of inner turmoil."  

“Because we also experience less pleasant things in our lives – that doesn't always have to be something big – we distort. What hurts we tend to put in a well, throw the lid on it and run away very fast. In practice, the lid will always try to lift. People often deny that. They don't want to 'feel', because that's 'scary'. They flee into work or addictions such as intensive sports or watching television. It leads to you being out of touch with yourself.” 

“Those who do not dare to face their feelings quickly become restless inside. You experience inner peace by making contact with who you really are. With what there is. That is difficult for many people. From a Christian perspective, it is God who wants to give you peace and tranquility, if you are open to it. And for that it is also necessary that you yourself are open to what is with you. Otherwise it would be outside of you.”

“We want to show people how to find inner peace and return to that point time and again.”

There is not only talk, but also 'experiential' work. Think about practicing breathing techniques. For example, what does your body indicate about your situation? We take a lot of time for rest to be able to experience this well”.

That many people have psychological problems and suffer from them is absolutely true. That people help each other in these things is wonderful. When you notice heartfelt compassion to help others, that is wonderful. But what is being offered as a solution? Terms are used that make me fear the worst:

  • a deeper layer
  • be in touch with yourself
  • You experience inner peace by making contact with who you really are. That what there is.
  • you have to be open to what is with you.
  • practice breathing techniques

In particular, the image that you have to experience who you really are is a gnostic idea. Especially if it is then linked to God, who gives you rest and peace. So you actually have to discover that you already have the solution in your 'body house' yourself.

In itself, the aim here is not explicitly to experience God, but the solution to a psychological problem of unrest and dissatisfaction is sought within oneself. If you just open up to it.

On the other hand, the message of the Lord Jesus

“Come to Me only you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28)

We cannot find the solution to our problems within ourselves; that's a trick of the devil. Our salvation – for time and eternity – can only be found in our Lord, Jesus Christ.