A powerful delusion

We've talked about it before (see here) talked about that soon in the so-called 'last week of the year' – the last seven years prior to the visible coming of Jesus Christ – there will be a powerful delusion of the lie.

“And therefore God will give them a strong delusion[1] so that they may believe the lie.” (2 Thessalonicenzen 2:11).

A tremendous storm of deception that no one has the courage to think differently than the masses.

It's astonishing to see things like this already happening. You can think of the theory of evolution that also beats its tens of thousands in Christian circles. After all, who still believes in a creation in six actual days? It has been scientifically proven, they say, that it is not possible at all.

In the past, in the 80s of the last century you often came across the picture below. But it seems we have forgotten it.


The climate

By the way, what do you think of the storm winds of climate madness? Now I'm not going to deal with this 'problem' substantively here, but this week I saw some things come along that are actually very bizarre.

Generally speaking, it is believed that CO2 emissions worldwide must be reduced because this can prevent climate change (especially global warming). Agreements have been made about CO2 reduction in the so-called 'Paris Climate Agreement' (2015) and this has been translated into its own 'climate agreement' for the Netherlands (see here) with measures.

What many adults think

Many adults take the above climate statement as sweet cake; it's 'scientifically proven' right? But that is also what people think of evolution, while both cannot be proven, but are largely based on 'belief'.

Segers defends his climate views in the House of Representatives

Gert Jan Segers of the CU also believes that we should accept what a large majority of scientists say. For example, he proclaimed it in the House of Representatives: 'climate change is caused by human actions', because there is 'a great deal of consensus among scientists' (see here from 2'37"). That means you take for granted what the majority of people (in this case scientists) think.

But for a Christian – just as for Israel at that time – the command applies: “Thou shalt not follow the majority in evil(…)” (Exodus 23:2). The direct context of this text makes it clear that it mainly concerns views that can be true/false, just/unjust. Also look at what it says a few verses down:Keep away from deceitful things(Exodus 23:7).

You can ask whether we really won't have any problems with the climate. Well, those problems will come, but differently than people think. The book of Revelation clearly describes the conditions that will occur here on earth in the near future, much of which has to do with nature. They are God's judgments on those who have not believed God's truth (2 Thessalonians 2:12). Those judgments begin in Revelation 6, where there is famine, great earthquake, great changes in the solar system, and displacement of all mountains and all islands. While that's just the beginning...

What many students think

In the meantime, we have also discovered what the high school students think about it. Climate truancy has become a phenomenon in Europe.

Youth for climate – Source Nieuwsblad.be Photo Kioni Papadopoulos

But have they examined the opinions for their veracity or at least for the likely correctness of the arguments? Probably not. And who would describe our surprise when it turns out that the protests did not just arise spontaneously, but were initiated and financed by the European Commission (see here and here).

What the children at the evangelical primary school think

The real reason for this message was that I recently had a conversation with one of our grandchildren. At one point it was about 'the climate' and I was told that the climate is really a problem if we don't do anything about it. Because that's how it was discussed at school.

It came very close to that and I found it really shocking to find that even in an evangelical primary school children are showered with these kinds of ideas. In their innocence they take it all for granted.

Certainly not an easy task

It seems that nowadays as parents you even have to talk about things like 'the climate' with your children and tell them what the bible says about the future. And to talk to them about all those other important topics related to that. What should certainly not be missing is what it means to have very different views than everyone around us. Teach them what it means to'foreigners and sojourners'[2] to be and learn to love the truth of God's Word above the lies of the world.

An operation of error

We already see how the thinking of the masses is manipulated, so that in a short time everyone assumes something that has at least not been or cannot be proven. What will it be like if the 'resistor'[3] has been taken away. Then they will much faster believe even bigger lies and run completely brainwashed after 'the great leader' - the antichrist.

Now let's keep the darkness growing, but cling to the trustworthy Word of God.

“But we must always thank God for you, brethren, beloved of the Lord, that from the beginning God hath chosen you unto salvation, in sanctification in the Spirit, and faith in the truth. To this he has called you by our gospel to obtain the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. Stand firm then, brethren, and hold fast to the traditions in which you have been taught by our word or by our letter. And may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and our God and Father, who has loved us and given us everlasting comfort and good hope by grace, comfort your hearts and strengthen you in every good word and work.” (2 Thessalonicenzen 2:11-17)


[1] "Deceptive" (spirits, 1 Timothy 4:1) and "error" (2 Thessalonians 2:11) come from the same original word. Error, then, comes from deceiving minds.

[2] Ephesians 2:19; Hebrews 11:13; 1 Peter 2:11

[3] 2 Thessalonicenzen 2:7