Again: Mindfulness

At the end of April an article with video came along on with a shocking title above it.


At least, reading this, I find that shocking. Actually it is blasphemous, for who dares to say that the Son of God invented idolatry? Then you have a different Jesus and a different gospel!

But this sound is of course not new, because years ago it was already stated that – according to Philips Troost – God invented it.

Both expressions are equally blasphemous. But the problem is that they are people who are apparently allowed to 'perform' and spread their message quite often in Christian Netherlands. Philips Troost will again speak at the New-Wine summer conference this year (see, for example, here).

Another sound

Fortunately, you occasionally read or hear a different sound, even if it may be a bit hidden. As in last week's Reformatorisch Dagblad.

The head in the digital version is also very clear:


Why is it wrong?

Mindfulness is wrong because it is a pagan way of coming into contact with the invisible world. The Bible makes it clear that you do not come into contact with 'God' or 'Jesus', but with demons and their influence.

from a earlier article about this we will mention the following once more.

  • the people of Israel were not allowed to interfere in any way with the religions of other peoples. That was because they would not adopt their way of approaching the invisible world and would approach God in that (pagan) way (see for example Deuteronomy 12:4,30-31)
  • if they did this, they would think they were serving God, but in reality they were serving than the idols. They would then come under the influence of the demons.
  • The first commandments in the 'ten commandments' are about idolatry. They are called "crime" and hatred of Him by God (Exodus 20:3-5).
  • This idolatry would be the reason God should judge the people. As has happened several times and eventually led to the removal from the country.
  • In the New Testament this way of thinking about idolatry is extended both by the Lord Jesus Himself and especially by the apostles (including Paul and John).
  • Key point at the pagan religions is the manipulation of the mind, whereby a higher state of consciousness arises. As a result, one then becomes open to the invisible world and the influence of demons.
  • Proverbs 21:16 teaches us where the man comes who turns the mind off:A man who strays from the way of understanding will rest in the company of the dead“. Our thinking protects us from the direct influence of the invisible world. If we stray from that road, we come into the company of the dead. That is the world of the ghosts, the shadows; the invisible world. What you find there is by the way 'rest', a state of harmony and peace.
  • Christians too can do this under a Christian label, of which Paul says, “I do not want you to have fellowship with demons” (1 Corinthians 10:20).
  • The result of this among Christians is that they generally have positive experiences with this, but are no longer open to the Bible, the Word of God. A condition called "apostasy" in the Bible.

The Bible is very clear when it comes to mindfulness – and all other methods of manipulating consciousness : it's an absolute NO!

For more on this: see here of here.