Beyond the Holidays

Holiday ... a strange phenomenon actually. It interrupts everything you are doing. But it also provides opportunities to rethink things. I also suspect that most inhabitants of this globe do not have a 'vacation'. Anyway, we'll pick up the thread again.

New Wine

Before the holidays I wanted to write something about the New Wine Summer Conference, but that hasn't happened anymore. The theme this year was “Unity” and apparently that includes the well-known things such as prophesying, hearing God's voice, faith healing, ministry, enjoying God's presence, reading the bible in a new way, writing techniques to talk to yourself and God. , speaking in tongues, deliverance ministry, Christian mindfulness, worship dance and much more. Same kind of stuff as on Revival. It all has to do with the relationship with the invisible world. Practicing it the Bible calls "idolatry"! It is something that someone who belongs to the Lord Jesus wants nothing to do with.

The Holy Spirit

During the holidays I also have another one booklet about the Holy Spirit read. It is relatively small (166 pages) and compactly written. But it again makes very clear what the biblical teaching is about the Holy Spirit and His work. Moreover, this is concretely positioned against the wrong teachings that you hear a lot around you.

The Bible makes clear how the devil works and tempts (Christian) people to 'communion with demons'. He lets him experience special experiences, so that man thinks that these are experiences of God. The question that immediately arises, however, is how does the Spirit of God work? Can't a Christian experience the Spirit of God physically? Is it noticeable at all or should I just believe it? These are relevant questions that we hope to address in the near future. What does the Bible say about it?

Besides, the booklet is recommended reading. Ask the publisher for a reprint!

A story from 2009

When 'starting up' again after the holidays I came across an old 'talking paper' that I made once in 2009 (Converted to God from Idols – May 2009) in preparation for a discussion on the subject of 'idolatry'. Maybe it will give you a new perspective on the theme. I'll put it on the downloads page.

You look upon us with love;
then fill our hearts with You, o Lord
and give us in the good fight
the victory at all times.


Spiritual Songs 103:5 (2016 Edition)