
Another half year…

Slowly but surely I also have to tell you something about what has happened to me the past few months.

During a summer week in the mountains, I felt a lump in my neck. It had probably been there for a while, but only then did I realize that I should take it to the doctor.

Image with mountain, sky, outdoor, natureAutomatically generated description
In the mountains

At the end of August, a trajectory of investigations began, in which we heard step by step things that were not so nice and the final result was that metastatic lung cancer was detected. There was no cure, but a combination of chemotherapy and immunotherapy could probably still be achieved.

It's weird that you feel healthy, don't take medication, don't suffer from anything and yet apparently have a deadly disease among the members. When the pulmonologist presented the treatment plan to us, I asked how much time I would have left if we didn't do anything; because I had nothing to worry about. The answer was shocking: “an average of six months to live”. We actually thought that was a bit short and agreed to the treatment plan in the hope that the Lord would give us a little more time. It would mean that I would have to be 'on the drip' every three weeks until the end of my life. The first four are serious cures and then each time a so-called 'maintenance dose'.

In the meantime I have had three of the four courses and from January I will end up in maintenance mode. By the way, it seems that the 'medications' are doing their job and the tumors (or part of them) are shrinking in size.

Why and how

There are a few reasons why I'm telling you this. The first is because I don't know how much longer I can do the work on this site. I don't know how long I can get strength and life to keep doing this.

The second reason is that I want to put some things 'on paper' of the things I am experiencing now, in the hope that others will also be encouraged by it. Even in difficult circumstances, we receive so many blessings from our God and Father that I am happy to share some of them.

Many Bible passages are given a new content, a new meaning in difficult times. Since the beginning of medical research, we have been reading the Psalms and there is so much great comfort in them. In a notebook I regularly make some notes and I hope to share something from this every now and then.

Which brings me to the 'how' point. On the site you will find a new category 'Footsteps' and below that appear the contributions related to my illness. It will not be about the disease and all kinds of medical matters, but much more about the question of what the suffering means in practice and - more importantly - Who the Lord Jesus is in these kinds of difficult circumstances.

For He Himself has said, I will by no means forsake you, and I will by no means forsake you. Therefore we say with good courage, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear. . . . Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” (Hebrews 13:5,6,8)

I will try to open the messages in Footsteps for response, so that you can respond to them if you want.

Towards the light of eternity

The photo below was taken a few weeks ago at the Planken Wambuis. When I saw him I kind of recognized my own situation in it.

Planken Wambuis

You are on your way to the light of eternity, but you are still in the autumn of your life. You still have a bit to go through the forest, you don't know how long it will take and what obstacles you will encounter. Someone sent me the scripture below a while back.

does he not see my ways,
and does He not count all my steps?”
(Job 31:4)

The Lord knows the way and He counts all your and my footsteps. He knows exactly which number we are on; what we've had and what's to come.


  1. What a beautiful text, and what a great idea to share these footsteps with others. That the Lord has come so near to you just now gives great comfort to each of us. It magnifies the Lord above all else, for you give Him all the glory despite the tragic illness that afflicted you. In that Lord we are bound together forever, with an incorruptible body we shall be clothed. There is no more lump, and no metastasis, no fear of disease and death. That we can already have that expectation is a special gift. I thank our Lord who has taken your life into His hand and gave His own life for you. To Him be the glory forever and ever.

  2. It is moving and also very encouraging to see, hear and read how the Lord is also present with you in life when suffering comes into your life. It is so true that He gives grace "in due time." A grace that both astonishes us and carries us. A grace that we cannot experience in other circumstances.
    What still appeals to me about the time of Fija's illness is, “He hides me in His hut and in the secret of His tent” and at the same time, “He sets me high on a rock”. Psalm 27: 5 and 6a. We are with you every day in thoughts and prayers.

  3. Yes, it is as Paul wrote, the sufferings of this present time are not worthy of the glory that is to be revealed to us. Despite that lump in your neck, you can keep looking forward to Jesus' coming. Just had a sad 79-year-old missionary with whom I traveled to Ethiopia to pray with. Thanks for sharing your footsteps…Kees

  4. Thank you for this brave idea, Teun! Sharing joy is not such an art. Sharing grief is quite another. It is nice that you would like to pass on the comfort that you yourself have experienced from the Lord.
    We hope that the Lord will leave you with Trudy and all of us for a very long time and that we may walk many more 'Footsteps' with you.

  5. Lots of strength Teun in the future.
    There is a Lord waiting for you.
    Thanks for the many nice emails.

  6. nice piece and “food for thought”! I see the title “on the way to the light of eternity” more as “on the way into eternity”, after all we have eternal life since our conversion?? We are on the road (on earth) and we already have eternal life?? And you remember that "On the way" was written on the house of br. Leen Boer in Winschoten.. In your editorial you have expressed something that you experience, namely that Bible texts get a different content if you have worries / problems or worse in life ... I pray for you that you experience the support and encouragement from these kind of lyrics! Teun, good luck and I hope we can learn from your contributions for a long time to come! kind regards to Trudy too
    regards, Jacques Nanninga

  7. Dear Teun and Trudy,
    It's been a while since we read a 'footstep' from you.
    Now 'no news' is often 'good news', but it is also possible that you are 'uninspired' in stories about difficult medication, side effects, results and the like. Then we understand! So don't take this as a push, but as small proof that we are thinking of you!
    Many texts from Psalm 71 could have just been written by you…
    Heartily recommended to the Lord in these special circumstances!

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