Is Saul also among the prophets?

Bizarre expressions of a charismatic nature are often justified by reference to special events in the Bible. That also happened after the 'There is more' conference we talked about earlier. Ronald Westerbeek writes about this on his blog “How do you rate charismatic conferences?”.

The reasoning he—and many others with him—follow is that the Spirit of God can do unexpected, extraordinary, and perhaps extreme things today, because that's what the Bible says.

“God's Spirit sometimes seems to have a tendency to do things that we find inappropriate and bizarre, where we think, 'This can't be from God?'

Reference is then made to the histories in 1 Samuel 10 and 19. The reasoning is that the Spirit of God here causes, among other things, that Saul unexpectedly begins to prophesy. On another occasion, several people begin to do the same, and again Saul, who also lies naked on the ground day and night. So the question is, if God could work so wonderfully then, why wouldn't He do it now? The advice that is then given is that you should at least be open to the fact that God's Spirit can still work these kinds of things today.

How should you rate 1 Samuel 10 and 19

The crucial question, of course, is how to judge the histories mentioned in 1 Samuel. The proponents of charismatic expressions take these situations as an example for now. It was possible then, so why not now? I understand the reasoning, even if I think people are drawing the wrong conclusion.

My assessment of the situations in these chapters is also that I see many parallels with the charismatic expressions of our time. That's why I don't see it positively, but negatively. Now you can talk endlessly about it, but maybe God Himself also has an opinion about it. That would probably help, because He's the only one who knows how things really work. His Word is the truth, even in these things.

The mind of God Himself

Well, in the period before the people of Israel would be sent into exile, God gives His prophet Jeremiah clear words about all kinds of wrongs. Including about the prophets who performed in Israel. It makes clear what the Lord God Himself thinks of it.

God starts at the beginning in Jeremiah 2. He refers to the Exodus from Egypt and the journey through the desert. It started well: a love affair between the Lord and His people:

I think of you, of the affection of your youth, of the love of your bridal days, when you followed Me in the wilderness…” (Jeremiah 2:2)

But then immediately in verse 4 and 5 comes the cover:

What iniquity did your fathers find in me, that they kept themselves far from me, that they went after small things and became worthless themselves (…) I brought you into a fertile land (…) but when you came in, you defiled My land, and made My property an abomination[1] created." (Jeremiah 2:4-7)

Then in verse 8 the Lord makes it clear about the prophets:

“(…) and the prophets prophesied on behalf of the Baal”.

This is God's clearest and most direct statement about the "inspirer" of the prophets. Right at the beginning of this book, he makes no misunderstanding that the origin of what the prophets said was of a demonic and devilish nature. No ambiguity!

It means that the prophets also practice idolatry and open themselves to the invisible world. They think that God is making clear to them things that they have to pass on, but they are things that satan and his demons instill in them. The Lord calls it that they "prophesied on behalf of Baal."

After the Lord has said this all-important thing, more revealing features of the prophets follow in the book of Jeremiah. Things that are all connected with this idolatry. Let's review a few of them:

  • Something terrible, something terrible is happening in the land: the prophets are prophesying lies” (Jeremiah 5:30-31). The prophets do not speak the truth, God's words, but lies.
  • Therefore thus saith the Lord concerning the prophets who prophesy in my name, though I did not send (…)” (Jeremiah 14:15). They are people who are not called by the Lord, yet say that they speak for Him, pass on His words. “They speak a vision from their own heart, not from the mouth of the Lord” (Jeremiah 23:16).
  • I did not send those prophetsyet they went on their own. I have not spoken to themyet they themselves prophesied”. (Jeremiah 23:21)
  • (…) I will those prophets! saith the Lord, who hath my words steal from each other.” (Jeremiah 23:30). Moreover, they still talk after each other; they steal 'God's words' from each other!
  • Do not listen to your prophets, to your soothsayers, to your dreamers, to your cloud tellers, and to your sorcerers…. For they prophesy to you lie (…)”. (Jeremiah 27:9-10). The prophets are mentioned in the same breath as occult people who were forbidden to God's people. We find a similar sequence in Jeremiah 29:8, after which it is said:Don't listen (...), because with lie they prophesy against you in My Name. I have not sent themsaith the Lord”.

Elsewhere, too, much is said about the prophets, such as the statements below.

  • Your prophets have seen before you false visions and foolishness (…)” (Lamentations 2:14).
  • (…) say to those who go to own insight prophesy: ​​Hear the word of the Lord! Thus saith the Lord GOD: Woe unto the foolish prophets who follow their own mind without having seen anything!” (Ezekiel 13:2)
  • Thus saith the Lord unto the prophets whom My people mislead (…) But whoever puts nothing into their mouth, to him they declare the war (Micah 3:5). And in verse 11 of the same chapter:(…) commit their prophets fortune telling for money. And yet they lean on the Lord, and say, Is not the Lord in our midst? No harm will come to us.” The prophets expect you to talk to them and not to question their words, otherwise you will have a bad time with them: then it will be war! They also prefer to earn some money from it. And in all this they still think the Lord is with them!
Samuel and the prophets
The group of prophets

Based on the foregoing, we must characterize the prophets who appeared in the time of Samuel (chapters 10 and 19) as false prophets, people who thought they received things from God, but meanwhile "prophesied on behalf of Baal." They used musical instruments and were in a group, two things that apparently aid in 'experiencing the supernatural'.

What you see in both chapters is that such a group has a great influence. If people join who also 'desire for more' and open themselves to it, they will soon experience the same phenomena. When Saul comes into this group (1 Samuel 10:10), he gets "God experiences" and also begins to prophesy. Hence the wonder: 'Is Saul also among the prophets?'

We see the same happening with the messengers of Saul who come under the influence of a group of prophesying prophets (1 Samuel 19:20,21) and experience the same supernatural experiences. Finally, Saul goes himself and again does not escape the influence of the prophets. So much so that he remains naked all day and night. Apparently that was not uncommon among the prophets, because again the question is asked 'Is Saul also among the prophets?'


Samuel did not discern what was the matter with the prophets. Apparently he has insufficiently realized what the Lord in Deuteronomy already said about worshiping idols. He didn't recognize it and so he just let Saul go to the prophets. He should have warned him and told him to avoid them! But Samuel apparently thought that Saul needed this, because he mistakenly thinks that this is a work of 'the Spirit of the Lord' and knows exactly what is going to happen: “(…) you will be changed into another man” (1 Samuel 10:5-6).

It is sad to see that a servant of the Lord can go so wrong because he does not know what idolatry is.

Later, in chapter 19, we find that Samuel's relationship with the prophets becomes even closer. For there we read that he'directs' to the group of prophets (1 Samuel 19:20), something we don't read yet in chapter 10. So he has deeply associated himself with this group of apostate prophets and that has consequences for his service to the Lord. After this event in chapter 19 we read nothing more about Samuel. Just a very short and sad note about his death.

Samuel died; and all Israel gathered together, and they mourned for him and buried him at his house in Rama.”(1 Samuel 25:1)

And Saul?

Saul is appointed king. In the beginning, he "had a life-changing experience." It was not because he was seeking the Lord, but it was demonic influences, which also became apparent in his life.

We're not going to go into Saul's life here, that might come later. By the way, you can read the history of Saul again from the above perspective. Maybe some things will fall into place.

Year 2016

The things that have happened in Israel are "an example and warning to us, upon whom the end of the ages has come" (1 Corinthians 10:11). So also these things with regard to the prophets in Israel.

There was much confusion in Israel about what was or was not the Lord's. Even Samuel went wrong at one point unfortunately. Then and now if one does not know what is idolatry and cannot distinguish what is the Lord's and what is idols, then you have a problem. The confusion on this point has never been greater than today.

The danger of gatherings where false teachers are active and supposedly pass on the words of God (often they call this 'thorough Bible study') is great. Special things happen, but they do not belong to the Lord. Before you know it you will be affected. Sometimes – but more often people prefer not to talk about it – you hear about the negative consequences in a human life, just like with Saul.

To justify the 'There is more' conference with the stories of the prophets and Samuel? It's all about how you read the bible!

To our teaching

For all that was written before was written for our instruction, that in the way of endurance and the comfort of the Scriptures we might have hope. . . . that with one accord, with one mouth, you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Romans 15:4-6)
















[1] The words "void" (or nullities) and "abomination" always have to do with idolatry.