It just goes on…

This week, two more things came to my mind that indicate that idolatry continues in Christendom and is sometimes much further than you realize. The first is from the charismatic angle and the second has to do with the contemplative movement.

I assume that you are already somewhat familiar with what I have written about the charismatic way and the contemplative way on this site (see below Serving Idols).

Even more 'There's more!'

At the “There's more!” conference last year, we have already spent two articles (here and here).

Unfortunately, that development continues and we need not have any illusions that it will stop. This year the secondThere is more!conference. What struck me is that, in addition to Randy Clark, there is now also a speaker from the Calvinist corner, a certain Sam Storms. From his opponent he has now become a 'charismatic Calvinist'.

It gets even sadder when you read that he is part of Desiring God, the organization of John Piper. Even there, charismatic evil is apparently already infiltrating.

Eastern meditation and Jesus go well together

There was an article under this title a few months ago CIP.nlbut I just saw it now. The writer, founder of OasisTrails , says, among other things, the following:

“(…) So it is certainly worth investigating what the Bible says about rapture, the third heaven, being drunk with the Spirit, etc. Because it is precisely the rapture by God's Spirit that makes the Eastern cults pale. 

In my opinion it is high time that the orthodox believers, evangelical or reformed, come to understand that there is a genuine hunger among the members of the congregation for the supernatural and that there is a task here to meet and guide the believers in that one supernatural way, which is called Jesus.
In any case, a good topic to set up a solid tree about.

That 'hunger for the supernatural' exists everywhere, in the world but also in the Christian yard. For many centuries. But that's no reason to accommodate people in that, is it? On the contrary, the Bible plainly says something quite different:

(…) beware, therefore, lest you inquire after their gods, saying, As these nations have served their gods, so will I also do it.
You shall not do as they do before the LORD your God! (Deuteronomy 12: 4,30,31)

We must tell the Gospel of Jesus Christ to people – Christian or not – who are looking for the supernatural. That was also what Paul did – after a run-up – when he was in Athens and said very clearly…

“(…) that all men must repent, because God has appointed a day when He will judge the world righteously through a Man whom He has appointed. Of this He gave proof to all by raising Him from the dead.” (Acts 17:30,31)

We can do no better than present this Gospel to people and do what Jude writes:

But you beloved, build yourselves up in your most holy faith, and pray in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, and wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. And have mercy on some, being discerning in doing so. But save others with fear, and snatch them out of the fire.” (Judas:21-23)