Mary and the end time

On the website of the Reformatorisch Dagblad stood a few days ago two articles that you can see as a quick glimpse into the time in which we live. Two different topics that probably have something to do with each other.

Mary, icon of grace?

The theologian A. Huijgen (CGK) believes that Protestants should pay more attention to Mary. Among other things, by singing her hymn of praise, the Magnificat, every day. They should pay more attention to Mary and the Magnificat is part of that.
Huijgen has written a book about it; it is called “Mary, icon of grace”. In September, in response to the book, a study day about Mary, where Bishop Gerard de Korte will also make a contribution.

In the promotional video of the publisher, Huijgen explains the subtitle and says that 'in the Eastern Orthodox tradition the icon is not just an image where you nasty look, but wherever you through looks as if it were a window on the reality of God'.
It is clever to say so, but you can take it in more ways. The real reason for using icons and images is the ability experienced of that other reality, which Huijgen and many with him think is God's reality, but which God's Word says is the world of demons. You feel they are very special experiences, blissful moments, which Catholics call 'grace'. How easy it is to mislead people with these kinds of words – with different meanings.

An extensive review of Huijgen's book can be found here: Pdf

About five years ago there was an article in the RD about 'christian mindfulness' in which Huijgen proclaimed that from a biblical point of view nothing could be said about it and that you should leave it to the conscience of the individual believer. Now, so many years later, Huijgen shows his churchmen the way to the contemplation, the idolatry of Roman Babylon (see also here and here).

A small variant in the PKN. On Google I did a quick search for 'Magnificat' and then I found an article with the same title. It was René de Reuver's speech on his reappointment as secretary of the PKN on June 12th. He wrote: “It just happened during a silent celebration in the church congregation in my hometown. During the long silence, I focused on the Christ icon at the front of the church. As I fixed my eyes and heart on an image of the Living One, it was as if I heard a voice from the silence: 'René, are you where I am?'”.

How far have the Protestant communities strayed when they need icons and Mary to – I'll just put it in my own words – 'experience the sacred'? We do not see or experience the 'reality of God' through an icon or Mary, but only in the Word of God.

Paul writes about this (2 Timothy 3:10-4:5) that “all scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach with it” (3:16). Servants of the Lord are called to preach that Word andpersevere, convenient or inconvenient(4:2) and its purpose is precisely to prevent people fromturn their hearing away from the truth and turn to fictions.” (4:4). That 'fabrications' are myths, the stories of the 'gods', which have everything to do with the pagan religions and idolatry.

How long can this last?

The apostasy in Christendom has been going on for many years and in itself nothing new. What is striking is that it goes on and on and that everything is driven further and further in the direction of Rome. Apparently there are many (highway) roads to Rome today. You wonder how long God will allow that to continue.

The second article that caught my eye on the RD site was an interview with King, professor of legal philosophy in Leiden. At the headline was a short 'summary' in which the statement that the Bible will be a banned book in 10 years and churches will be closed by the government. I assume Kinneging is not saying that on the basis of the Bible, but on the basis of his 'academic knowledge'. He observes what has been going on in recent years and extends it to the near future. Ultimately – if there is no opposition – he expects the Bible to become a banned book and churches to be closed by the government.

I wouldn't dare hang on to it for years, but it's understandable. Just look at how everything Jewish or Christian is being torn down; and how quickly that happens. For example, before you realize it, the 'values' of the EU are anti-Christian and a country like Hungary has to agree to that. Rabbi Evers moves to Israel and one of the reasons is the rapid rise of anti-Semitism in Europe.
There is a development going on everywhere that does not accept that you have ideas other than the 'mainstream', to which everyone has to conform. If you don't, there is no place for you in this world.
Developments are moving fast and preparations for the anti-Christian empire are in full swing. We are well on our way to the time when God's adversary tries to remove everything that has to do with our God from this earth. Persecution and tribulation are not so far away; maybe not even 10 years.

Meanwhile – until the Lord Jesus comes to collect His congregation – let us be encouraged by the words Paul wrote to the Thessalonians:

But we must always thank God for you, brethren, beloved of the Lord, that God hath chosen you from the beginning unto salvation, in sanctification of the Spirit, and faith in the truth. To this he has called you by our gospel to obtain the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
And may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and our God and Father, who has loved us and given us everlasting comfort and good hope by grace, comfort your hearts and strengthen you in every good word and work.

But the Lord is faithful, who will strengthen you and keep you from the evil one. . . . And may the Lord set your hearts upon the love of God and upon the endurance of Christ.

2 Thessalonicenzen 2:13,14,16,17; 3:3,5