More of 'There is More' and the 'Holy Ghost'

The 'There is More' event continues through the Netherlands this new year. The Evangelisch Werkverband (EWV) within the PKN promotes more of the 'Holy Spirit' under various titles. For example with 'Room for the Spirit', 'There is More Next' and 'Come Heil'ge Geest'.

Everyone is invited to learn and experience more of the 'Holy Spirit'. We've warned against it before and this won't be the last.
The text of ‘There is More’ Next we take as a starting point; We'll add some comments here and there.

The real faith?

According to the EWV there is false faith and real faith and so to know the real faith you have to go to the EWV and learn more about the Holy Spirit from them. Just look what they write:

In the mornings we give in-depth Bible teaching about 'true faith' . . .
Today we focus on faith. The faith that moves mountains. Jesus says in Matthew 17: I tell you, if you have faith like a mustard seed, you will say to that mountain, “Move from here to there!” and then he will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.'
True faith is faith that can move mountains and a gift of the Spirit of God. But often your faith seems insufficient and we see that someone is not healed or the miracle is not forthcoming. You cannot create faith yourself, you receive it. The real faith is from Above, it is powerful and is connected with Jesus.
Today we are going to discover that faith from the Bible and also apply it. Your thinking is renewed, you are healed or experience a new freedom. There is recovery in relationships and people receive what God wants to give them.

This piece of text will probably be the beginning of what is called 'deep Bible education'.

Faith to move mountains

The so-called 'true faith' is the faith that can move mountains. If you read on, it appears that this means that through your 'true faith' someone can heal or a miracle can happen. I think there is much to be said about this, but we will limit ourselves here.

The Bible makes no distinction at all between 'faith' and 'true faith'; between belief and unbelief. Of course, every Christian should check with himself whether he or she has the 'saving faith' (see also here). But the real biblical faith is it'faith in Jesus Christ' and the 'believe in His blood' (Romans 3:23-25). It is faith that makes you justified before God. The faith with which you start your path as a believer and with which you continue for the rest of your life. That is, if you want to call it that, the real, saving faith. But it has nothing to do with healings and miracles.

The Corinthians also wanted to 'move mountains'

The pursuit of "faith that moves mountains"—or, to put it another way, faith that manifests itself in miracles and healings—is something that was already underway in the Corinthian church. Just like striving for 'tongue language' or 'angel language' or wanting to 'prophesy'. Paul puts it this way:

“(…) if I had all the faith, so that I could move mountains, but I had not love, I was nothing.” (1 Corinthians 13:2)

In this passage Paul makes it clear that the Christian life is not about this kind of special 'miracle faith'. It's completely unimportant. What really matters is whether you'have the love'. In other words, whether you love the Lord Jesus Christ and love God's Word. That is essential.

A person who has turned to God, believes in the Lord Jesus and knows that He died for his or her sins on the cross of Calvary, has received the Holy Spirit. Therefore such a person loves the Lord Jesus and also the Word of God (see here).

Actually, Paul presents the Corinthians two ways:
— the one way of faith, in which – as the work of the Holy Spirit – you love God's Word and the Lord Jesus;
— the other way in which it is a faith of miracles and healings, but in which you are 'nothing'.
Check yourself which road you are on ('try yourself‘).

Listening to God's Voice

According to TiM you get the 'true faith' through the Spirit of God. Apparently, 'listening to God's voice' is the key to living by the Spirit, for this is what they write:

In the afternoon we practice listening to God's voice, because that really is the key to living by the Spirit. Esther Vorsterman van Oijen will discuss and practice this with us. (…) you can choose at what level you want to practice speaking God.

We have encountered the "hearing God's voice" before. It is one of the characteristic deceptions of idolatrous Christianity.

You don't believe it:
you don't really believe - they say - until you
can hear God's voice!

My sheep hear My voice

I noticed that when promoting 'Hearing God's Voice' people always use this text: “My sheep hear My voice and I know them and they follow Me” (John 10:27). This "proves" that it would be normal for a Christian to hear the voice of God; preferably every day and all day long.

It amazes me every time how people read the text. You have to take 'hearing my voice' literally; You can hear 'His voice' in your head just like the voice of Jan or Piet. But 'My sheep' should not be taken literally, it is of course meant figuratively.

Nowhere in the New Testament are we taught by the apostles how to understand and train "the voice of God." Let alone that we could do that at different levels of exercises.
Incidentally, the Old Testament does not teach us such a thing.

It's about the experiences

In the YouTube video above it has already been made clear that the doctrinal foundation under the idea of ​​'hearing God's voice' is wrong. Below it becomes clear what it is all about: you are taken to eventually gain wonderful inner experiences.

Today we are going to discover that faith from the Bible and also apply it. Your thinking is renewed, you are healed or experience a new freedom. There is recovery in relationships and people receive what God wants to give them.

You will experience wonderful inner experiences. Well, these experiences do not come from God, for they do not agree with the Bible (see RV's commentary). Then there are only two possibilities:
a) or they experience something that comes from their own inner self and thus deceive themselves;
b) whether the experiences come from the invisible world and come from demons. In that case too, people are fooling themselves, thinking that they come from God. The reason is that these experiences are very special and "supernatural" because they arise from the higher consciousness. Once you've experienced this, you don't want to miss it.

Safely Getting to Know the Gifts of the Spirit

Finally, the text concludes with the following statement.

We cordially invite you to safely learn about the gifts of the Spirit.

Isn't that strange? It probably means that one suspects that there are people who are afraid to experience a TiM session. In fact, that fear is justified.

It looks like the campaign that D66 is currently conducting, that every young person safe and guilt freeshould be able to use drugs.

It seems wise not to do both; do not use drugs and do not go to a TiM session. Both bring you into contact with the invisible world of the demons, in which you can experience 'wonderful' things. Remember, both methods are just two of Satan's vast arsenal, masquerading as an "angel of light."

3 But I fear that, as the serpent deceived Eve with his cunning, so perhaps your thoughts too may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. 4 For if anyone comes and preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or if you receive another spirit from that which you have received, or another gospel which you have not received, you bear it well. (…) 14 And no wonder, because Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.
(2 Corinthians 11:3,4,14)