There is more! (2)

A week ago I wrote about the leadership conference 'There is More' being held in September. Only then did it become clear to me that there is still something very important to say about this event. Something I had missed the first time. And then it's about what is called 'impartation', that is, 'the transfer of anointing'.

Keynote speaker Randy Clark

The keynote speaker is a Dr. Randy Clark, founder and leader of Global Awakening, of whom the 'There is more' site says, among other things:

Randy Clark impartation

With Randy Clark the so-called 'Toronto Blessing' actually started in 1994 and he believes that since then he has to spread these practices worldwide with his organization 'Global Awakening'. In that context, the 'leadership conference of the Evangelisch Werkverband' is apparently now his stage to allow the message to land further in the Netherlands.

For a comprehensive review of Randy Clark, please refer to this site. Below we will discuss the above expression 'impartation'.

Is 'impartation' biblical?

It seems to me that 'impartation' is a fairly central concept in these present charismatic times. In his book “There is more!” (ISBN 9789490489281, Arrowz Publishers) Clark himself explains what he means by it. I quote the following:

In both the Old and New Testaments, the Bible has the principle that people receive a personal anointing from God. That anointing may consist of a gift or gifts of the Spirit, the infilling of the Holy Ghost—especially for power—or the baptism in the Holy Ghost. This idea of ​​a transmission or reception of anointing is a clear Biblical concept. The word used for this in the English-speaking world, impartation, is not clear to many people. In Brazil, where I visit regularly, impartation is usually translated as 'transfer of anointing', a perhaps more accessible expression. If we look at the Biblical examples, we see that this anointing is often accompanied by the laying on of hands. But I want to make one thing very clear: The laying on of hands is certainly not the only way to receive an anointing from God. It is no more and no less than one of the two ways we encounter in Scripture. The other way is to wait on God in prayer. That is a remedy that is often forgotten or ignored in our congregations; that is why I emphasize this a number of times in this book.”

Unbiblical nonsense

What is written here is unbiblical nonsense. Paul might call it "pretty words and beautiful talk" (Romans 16:18) or "nice-sounding reasoning" (Colossians 2:4). I will briefly mention a few things and invite you to think about it further

  • Anointing is a biblical concept, let's put that first.
    • Priests were anointed for their service in the Old Testament (Exodus 40:15). As well as prophets and kings.
    • In the house of Simon the Pharisee, the feet of the Lord Jesus were anointed by a woman (Luke 7:38).
    • And John writes about the anointing that every true child of God has received (1 John 2:20,26,27). This last 'anointing' has to do with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit (which we have received!) and the fact that it allows us to distinguish between truth and falsehood. John points this out precisely in view of the deceivers who go about (verse 26)!
  • Every true believer has therefore received the Holy Spirit at his conversion and with it also 'the anointing' of which John speaks.
    • Nowhere in the Bible is it taught that if anyone would want 'more of God's Spirit', it must be through the laying on of hands by others. No one can give another (a part) of God's Spirit or transfer certain gifts of the Spirit. Nor, by the way, that you have to pray and wait for God to give it. Both ways are completely unbiblical.
    • If anyone would want more of God's Spirit, then he should be concerned with the Lord Jesus Christ. Reading God's Word, obeying it, thanking and honoring God the Father and the Lord Jesus. Then God's Spirit will do its work, without directing attention to Himself, but will make the Lord Jesus greater!
    • In the Bible we are only called to be "filled with the Spirit" (Ephesians 5:18). That is the only thing we have a responsibility in ourselves. We are filled with the Spirit when we do what Colossians 3:16 says: "let the word of Christ dwell in us richly." “Filling up with the Spirit” and “Filling up with the word of Christ” are synonyms. Just look at the result of both in Ephesians 5:19-21 and Colossians 3:16b-17 where you find the same things as fellowship of the believers in an upbuilding way and praise and thanks for our God and Father through the Lord Jesus Christ . Isn't it remarkable?

Transmission of God's Spirit or Gifts of the Spirit – whether or not by the laying on of hands – is therefore unbiblical!

'Impartation': transfer of what?

Now someone may think that what is happening in itself does not have to be so wrong. After all, beautiful things do happen. Because people speak well of it, as something that everyone should experience?

What Randy Clark does is the same thing Todd Bentley (you remember) did in 2008 Lakeland did. Clark might be a little more subdued and he looks neater than Bentley with all his tattoos. But Bentley is also talking about 'the power of impartation‘.

However, the Bible makes it clear that people who long for the physical experience of (something of) God or of the Spirit will usually experience something, but that experience comes from demons. We have on there this site already written about it in more detail. That is why Paul says so firmly to the Corinthians “(…) and I do not want you to have intercourse with the demons” (1 Corinthians 10:20).

But the consequence of this is that you have to conclude that people like Bentley, but also a Randy Clark (and also many 'leaders' in the Netherlands) ...

  1. being under the influence of demonsn. In many cases it is clearly visible (see YouTube) that demons are at work.
  2. in their 'ministry' the transfer the influence of demons to others. People who allow (or even desire) to be "touched" come under the same demonic influence.

In that respect, in 'impartation' there is indeed a transfer of spiritual power between persons, but

not a transmission of God's Spirit or spiritual gifts, but of demonic influence and demonic powers.

To illustrate, a short recording of a session with Randy Clark. Not because it's all so beautiful, but so that you can get an idea of ​​what's going to happen at the “There is more!” conference. If you'd rather not watch it (and maybe that's for the better) just skip the video.

From about 10′ (the 10th minute) he lays hands on people and asks God to give 'His anointing'. Be convinced that God is not doing this, but that satan's demons are ready to get people directly under their influence.

Simon the wizard

When Simon the sorcerer saw the apostles lay hands on the believing Samaritans and they received the Holy Spirit, he saw bread in it and said,Give me also this power, that whoever I lay hands on may receive the Holy Spiritt” (Acts 8:18-19). Peter told him plainly that 'he would go to destruction' (verse 20) and called him to repent to God (verse 22).

What Simon the sorcerer wanted was the power of 'impartation' and the apostles vehemently reject that. Only they had the power (authority) to lay hands on in some specific cases so that God could give His Spirit.

One more time “There is More!”

Let's recap and try to understand what is happening.

Under the banner of the PKN, Christian leaders in the Netherlands and Flanders are invited to experience a beautiful, promising conference about the Holy Spirit. All denominations are welcome.

The last week have we already noticed that it is here not about Christ the Crucified! He's missing from the conference.

The participants are led to believe that they will receive and experience something special from God's Spirit. However, what they actually experience are the workings of demons, which they then have to pass on as much as possible to the congregation members at home.

And it all looks beautiful. A nice website, with serious stories and videos. It comes across as trustworthy, a work of God's Spirit, recommended by famous names like Willem Ouweneel, Jan MinderhoudHenk Medema, Jos Douma and others, who speak positively about what will happen.

It is indeed remarkable that you see again confirmed that the two ways of idolatry, namely that of the spirituality and that of the charismatic here again hang out together.

When the 'Christian church' is soon judged, she will be “(…) eand dwelling place of demons and a hiding place for all manner of unclean spirits” (Revelation 18:2). We see it happening more and more intensely before our very eyes.

Get out of her!

For a believer who loves the Lord Jesus Christ and wants to live according to God's Word, there is only one call: stay away from idolatry!

Therefore go out from among them, and separate yourselves, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing...” (2 Corinthians 6:17)
Depart from her midst, My people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.” (Revelation 18:4)

God's promise is then...

(…) I will receive you, and will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty” (2 Corinthians 6:18).

Paul concludes this with the following appeal in 2 Corinthians 7:1 –

Since then, beloved, we have these promises, let us cleanse ourselves from all defilement of flesh and spirit, and accomplish sanctification in the fear of God.”